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Cape Coral Economic Development Strategic Plan

Task 11 Report

Implementation Plan


A city evolving from its suburban roots into a new urban paradigm as a self-sustaining network of working, living, and recreating experiences.


Provide the strategic recommendations necessary to ensure that economic growth keeps pace with population growth.

11.a Target Industries and Existing Employment Base

We are beginning the synthesis of key data points from report for infographics summaries. More to follow...

11.b Assessment of Business Startups

We are comparing Business Tax Receipts records from 2021 through 2024 to identify start-ups. More to follow...

11.c Adequacy of Training Programs

We are summarizing the training gaps identified in the Workforce analysis task. More to follow...

11.d Growth Plans for Higher Education

We are preparing narratives of interviewed conducted with FGCU and FSW with focus on entrepreneurial studies. More to follow...

11.e Mixed-Use, Downtown, Green Building, Incubators, & Other Programs

We are extracting incentives proposals and other recommendations from relevant tasks research. More to follow...

11.f New Business or Industrial Park Development

We are summarizing commercial space demand the proposed Cape Coral Corporate Park and Cape Coral Executive Airport Park based on job creation expectations developed during the Targeted Industry section. Additioanlly, we are preparing drive time maps and tables for travel time delivery from I-75 interchanges at Punta Gorda and Fort Myers as basis for distibrution facilities recommendations. More to follow...

11.g Potential for Convention and Tourism Promotion

After questioning many of the interviewees about the potential for convention business for Cape Coral and determining that the cost of building a respectable and competitive convention center would not provide a good return on investment, we have reached the following conclusion that is set forth on page 10 of the tourism report in the SWOT analysis in item #11 under WEAKNESSES / CHALLENGES relating to Tourism Attractions / Infrastructure / Visitor Experience.

11. Insufficient large businesses, not enough hotel rooms, and competitive convention operation in Ft. Myers makes it impractical to prioritize convention / business tourism.

Since the Westin does have facilities for business meetings, the best use of Cape Coral's resources would be to meet with the Westin Manager and determine how the city could best help the Westin maximize the use of its business related facilities.

If the proposed Cape Coral Center were to be developed as a downtown civic center, its potential use for public meetings, graduations, sporting events, and arts/cultural activities would be more relevant to the residents than tourists. Although it could be useful as an indoor venue for concerts and other events that have the potential to attract tourists. However, a multi-use civic center differs from a convention center. To be competitive a convention center needs a large space or series of spaces that can easily be adjusted. It also requires delivery docks, storage areas, and other logistcal amenities that a smaller venue will lack.

We are currently examining the relationship of tourism and targeted industry promotion. More to follow...

11.h Potential Funding Sources

No work activity yet performed.

11.i 10-Year Strategic Initiatives Action Plans

Framework 1: Evolution & Change

Goal 1.a: Establish a public forum or outreach method to discuss innovative approaches to land use that primarily serve the community.
    • Initiative 1.a.1: Establish public visioning sessions on the direction for Cape Coral’s growth
    • Initiative 1.a.2: Create a new Committee of the Whole public access website
    • Initiative 1.a.3: Establish a Citizen Advisory Committee to gather public input on proposed major projects
    • Initiative 1.a.4: Require a Benefit/Cost analysis for all major future projects
Goal 1.b: Develop a branding Identity for Cape Coral that recognizes small town “feel” with big city capabilities.
    • Initiative 1.b.1: Craft a compelling narrative about Cape Coral
    • Initiative 1.b.2: Commission murals, sculptures, or public art that reflect the dual identity
    • Initiative 1.b.3: Develop a memorable tagline that encapsulates Cape Coral’s essence
    • Initiative 1.b.4: Organize events that celebrate both aspects

Framework 2: A New Urban Model

Goal 2.a: Recognize Cape Coral as a network of interconnected neighborhoods.
    • Initiative 2.a.1: Fiber Optics Network & Dark fiber leasing
    • Initiative 2.a.2: On Demand Water Mobility
    • Initiative 2.a.3: Neighborhood Identity and Wayfinding
Goal 2.b: Encourage innovative land use policies that focus on infill development commercial development and waterfront accessibility.
    • Initiative 2.b.1: Opportunity Mulitplex Program
    • Initiative 2.b.2: Cape Coral Land Bank
    • Initiative 2.b.2: Strategic Site Assemblage Tax Credit
Goal 2.c: Propose iconic and signature developments that will generate identity for the City.
    • Initiative 2.c.1: Cape Coral Executive Airport
    • Initiative 2.c.2: Downtown Civic Center
    • Initiative 2.c.3: Downtown Waterfront Entertainment District
    • Initiative 2.c.4: Cape Coral Corporate Park

Framework 3: Sustainable & Resilient Growth

Goal 3.a: Evaluate and select resiliency solutions that can address short- and long-term impacts by major weather events.
    • Initiative 3.a.1: Low Impact Storm Water Infrastructure Program
    • Initiative 3.a.2: Solar Infrastructure Program
Goal 3.b: Establish guidelines for new development projects that are sustainable to wind and flood impact
    • Initiative 3.b.1: Cape Coral FloodWatch Program
    • Initiative 3.b.2: Cape Blue Incentive
Goal 3.c: Establish a public forum or outreach method that educates the public on environmental sustainability programs that are achievable and practical.
    • Initiative 3.c.1:  Develop a Cape Coral Eco-Newsletter
    • Initiative 3.c.2:  Establish Cape Coral Environmental Blog
    • Initiative 3.c.3:  Explore the creation of a Solar Community Cooperative

Framework 4: Economic Vitality

Goal 4.a: Expansion of the role of the Office of Economic & Business Development
    • Initiative 4.a.1: Elevation of OEBD to full department status with increased budget & staff
    • Initiative 4.a.2: Creation of independent economic development website including a site finder tool
    • Initiative 4.a.3: Economic impact analyses for all capital expense projects
    • Initiative 4.a.4: Application for status as an Accredited Economic Development Organization (AEDO)
    • Initiative 4.a.5: Establishment of a One Stop Shop for Business Development
    • Initiative 4.a.6: Enacting the OEBD to manage the CRA
Goal 4.b: Support Existing Business Retention & Expansion
    • Initiative 4.b.1: Streamline the permitting process
    • Initiative 4.b.2: Code enforcement improvement
    • Initiative 4.b.3: Government transparency
    • Initiative 4.b.4: Property and flood insurance premium assistance
    • Initiative 4.b.5: Vocational training silos for the trades
Goal 4.c: Promote New Targeted Industries and Clusters
    • Initiative 4.c.1: Establish working group for each cluster
    • Initiative 4.c.2: Target Industry Job Creation Grant
    • Initiative 4.c.3: Develop Industry Prospectus for each target cluster from data in this study
    • Initiative 4.c.4: Industry Familiarization Tours
Goal 4.d: Engage Higher Education in Workforce Development
    • Initiative 4.d.1: Expansion of online learning opportunities in Cape Coral
    • Initiative 4.d.2: Cape Coral Executive Corps
    • Initiative 4.d.3: Cape Coral Startup Support Center

Framework 5: Lifestyle & Culture

Goal 5.a: Attract the interest of major retailers and hospitality vendors currently not present in Cape Coral
    • Initiative 5.a.1: Pop-Up Retail Fairs
    • Initiative 5.a.2: Retail and Lodging Familiarization Tours
    • Initiative 5.a.3: Market Reports produced from data in this study
Goal 5.b: Recognize the importance of Tourism to the overall Cape Coral economy.
    • Initiative 5.b.1: Support efforts to increase activity and access to cape coral’s waterfront
    • Initiative 5.b.2: Promote experiential tourism product by expanding outdoor activities
    • Initiative 5.b.3: Explore opportunities to work with short-term rental providers
    • Initiative 5.b.4: Further develop the already existing family activity cluster
    • Initiative 5.b.5: Leverage current assets and create new ones to further develop youth, adult & scholastic sports facilities
    • Initiative 5.b.6: Enhance & develop new visitor-focused events
    • Initiative 5.b.7: Support the development of more unique local dining options & enhanced evening activities
    • Initiative 5.b.8: Encourage cross-promotion and joint packaging among related attraction
    • Initiative 5.b.9: Develop locally focused marketing efforts to energize & educate locals about tourism in Cape Coral
    • Initiative 5.b.10: Consider a co-op marketing approach with certain attractions
    • Initiative 5.b.11: Tourism leadership & collaboration / partnerships
    • Initiative 5.b.12: Engage higher education institutions as a catalyst
    • Initiative 5.b.13: Designate an individual within the city manager’s office to be responsible for tourism

11.j Implementation and Budget Schedules

No work activity yet performed.

11.k Task 11 Progress Report/video conference

No work activity yet performed.