Cape Coral Economic Development Strategic Plan

Task 12 Report

Presentation of Findings

12.a Draft Final Report

The outcome of the study will be the development of the Economic Development Strategic Plan. This is a document that will not resemble the Task reports presented or being worked on but will be its own deliverable. Summary data will be drawn from the task reports but re-organized in the presentation. We see the Plan as a three-volume presentation, with quality graphics and compelling narratives, organized as follows (preliminarily at this time):

Executive Summary

    • Vision: A city evolving from its suburban roots into a new urban paradigm as a self-sustaining network of living, work, and recreating experiences.
    • Mission: Provide the strategic recommendations necessary to ensure that economic vitality growth keeps pace with population growth.
    • From Analysis to Strategy
    • Strategic Plan Overview

Volume 1: Competitiveness & Opportunity

    • Key Findings
    • SWOT
    • Demographics
    • Employment Patterns
    • Local & Regional Growth Trends
    • Public & Employer Surveys
    • Labor Market Overviews
    • Target Industry Analysis
    • Real Estate, Land Use, and Infrastructure 
    • Emerging Opportunities

Volume 2: Strategy


    • Vision statement and identification process for establishing Goals
    • Mission statement and identification process for establishing Objectives & Initiatives

Strategic Plan

    • Goals Chapter 1: Evolution & Change
    • Goals Chapter 2: A New Urban Model
    • Goals Chapter 3: Sustainable & Resilient Growth
    • Goals Chapter 4: Economic Vitality
    • Goals Chapter 5: Lifestyle & Culture

Implementation Matrix

Performance Measures, Outcome, & Milestones

Volume 3: Technical Report

    • Task 1 Report
    • Task 2 Report
    • Task 3 Report
    • Task 4 Report
    • Task 5 Report
    • Task 6 Report
    • Task 7 Report
    • Task 8 Report
    • Task 9 Report
    • Task 10 Report
    • Task 11 Report
    • Task Report Appendices


We expect this to be a complete document but since it will have so many components, we will summarize the findings into a new public-use website. This will be unlike the current project website as it will be more graphically-oriented to showcase Cape Coral’s growth story. Each of the Volumes will be downloadable for review. We will be utilizing ESRI’s StoryMaps to build a dynamic message that the City can use for its marketing purposes in the future. The goal is to let the rest of the business world know that Cape Coral is a city ready for sustainable growth and prosperity and not simply a retirement or suburban bedroom community.

We will present our findings to the City Council in a PowerPoint slide presentation in coordination with the StoryMaps site. Eight hard-copies of the report volumes will be issued as final deliverables along with electronic archival media and the source code for the new website and the ESRI StoryMaps registration.

12.b Presentation Meeting and Briefings

No work activity yet performed.

12.c Final Report and Marketing Materials

No work activity yet performed.

12.d Project Closeout/Archiving of Study Materials

No work activity yet performed.
